A downloadable game

Source code

This project is a clone of ATM Rush game you can acces to the original game from this link.

App store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/atm-rush/id1585934395

Watch the gameplay of the ATM Rush Clone:


  Welcome to the  ATM Rush Clone, an engaging mobile game developed using Unity. This project aims not just to replicate the fun and dynamic experience of the original ATM Rush but also to enhance it with robust architectural principles, cutting-edge technologies, and refined gameplay mechanics. Our clone stands out with its meticulous attention to detail, adherence to SOLID principles, and utilization of design patterns like Singleton, Command, Observer, Strategy, and State for scalable and maintainable code architecture.

Mini Game Area:

Key Features:

- Dynamic Camera Transitions:  Leveraging the power of Cinemachine, we've crafted smooth and responsive camera movements, enriching the player's experience as they switch between main gameplay and mini-games.

- Stunning Visuals:  By integrating advanced "Post Process" settings, the game's visuals are not just vibrant but also create an immersive atmosphere that keeps players engaged.

- Modular Design: The game is built with modularity in mind. Every component and system is designed to function independently yet cohesively, ensuring easy updates and feature scalability.

- Automated Systems: Emphasizing automation, the game's mechanics and workflows are streamlined, ensuring a focus on gameplay and user experience

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